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are you hot?

2003-03-15 - 6:42 p.m.

i'm disliking math.

boo! no pi! go home!

my muscles still hurt. it hurts to sit down. it hurts to stand. it hurts to walk. it hurts to go up stairs. it hurts to move.

it pains me to exist. ow.

i've come to a conclusion. the tv show are you hot should go roast in hell. it disgusts me greatly.

frankly, it disappoints me that there are actually people in this world who would take the time to film themselves and then send it in to abc to see if they were hot.

these people should be shot.

i saw this article on msn.com, and i'm kind of confused.

who would try to take credit for coming up with the idea for this show?

howard stern should bury his head underneath a very large and prickly bush.


- marie

buy: t-shirt [anyone wanna buy me this? anyone?]
read: girl with a pearl earring [pretty good, pretty good]
listen: damien rice - "o" [scrumptious]
exit: ugly green chair [fabulous]
edumacational: top editors dot com

ME: [10.6.88] [urban outfitters] [blueberry muffins] [gilmore girls: tv] [will & grace: tv] [i don't like the way bugs crawl] [if i were ever to become an animal in my next life, i would either be a monkey or a squirrel] [the greatest feeling in the world is when you�re at the peak of a rollercoaster and you have that queasy feeling in your stomach] [5'3-ish] [juliette binoche is amazing] [my hair hates being curled] [i have no idea what i want to be when i grow up, and i have no desire to be something normal]

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