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champagne bottle

2003-03-17 - 10:39 p.m.

today was my dad's birthday, so my mom and my brother went to the grocery store to buy a cake and some champagne while my dad and i were at a school seminar.

of course, my brother ruined the surprise. boo.

but here's what happened at dinner.

my mom and dad were all giddy and cute and happy as they always are on a special occasion, and then she brought out the champagne.

looks classy, huh?

so my dad's in the kitchen, and he thinks he can keep the cork from flying out of the bottle.


as you should know, my kitchen has a relatively low ceiling.

and it popped.

apparently, his fingers weren't strong enough, so the cork popped out between his fingers, richocheted off of the ceiling, and landed in my brother's milk.

with a lot of force.

so the milk goes all over my brother's clothes and his face, and we're all kind of sitting there in shock for a moment. my brother's face was dripping in milk, my mom and i were just sitting there, and my dad had the champagne bottle in his hands.

so we got all cleaned up.

damnit, stories are always funnier when you're there. on paper, it sounds like we're all stupid.

...and perhaps we are.

ooh, ooh, marie wants to take digital imaging in ninth grade!

- marie

buy: t-shirt [anyone wanna buy me this? anyone?]
read: girl with a pearl earring [pretty good, pretty good]
listen: damien rice - "o" [scrumptious]
exit: ugly green chair [fabulous]
edumacational: top editors dot com

ME: [10.6.88] [urban outfitters] [blueberry muffins] [gilmore girls: tv] [will & grace: tv] [i don't like the way bugs crawl] [if i were ever to become an animal in my next life, i would either be a monkey or a squirrel] [the greatest feeling in the world is when you�re at the peak of a rollercoaster and you have that queasy feeling in your stomach] [5'3-ish] [juliette binoche is amazing] [my hair hates being curled] [i have no idea what i want to be when i grow up, and i have no desire to be something normal]

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