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joel stein

2003-05-27 - 9:33 p.m.

joel stein, you are my hero.

do you hear me?

i just read the funniest article in time.

just to quote...

"A store defines itself by its merchandise, and Wal-Mart is no more obligated to carry men's magazines than a women's shoe store is to sell beer and doughnuts. I hope by printing that here, I have copyrighted that idea. And while Wal-Mart sells guns, hunting knives, cigarettes, Wiggles DVDs and other things I wouldn't feel comfortable putting on the shelves in my shoe-beer-and-doughnuts store, its job isn't to be morality police. Wal-Mart's business is not to offend its customers, most of whom are, for reasons that may have to do with our nation's obesity, more comfortable with hunting rifles than nudity. Its job is to make families feel comfortable enough to shop and enjoy those 12� hotdogs together. Because that is where the real profit is, people. Trust me, I've tried them."


"Smut, as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said, "can't be defined, but I know it when it gives me an erection." I don't know if that's exactly the quote, but I can't look it up right now because I'm trying to stay off the Web until I finish this essay. And Maxim is pretty blatant about being smut, with the feline poses, latex outfits and none-too-subtle cover lines, like SEX SCENES: GOOD GIRLS RATE DIRTY MOVIES!"


ha ha.

- marie

buy: t-shirt [anyone wanna buy me this? anyone?]
read: girl with a pearl earring [pretty good, pretty good]
listen: damien rice - "o" [scrumptious]
exit: ugly green chair [fabulous]
edumacational: top editors dot com

ME: [10.6.88] [urban outfitters] [blueberry muffins] [gilmore girls: tv] [will & grace: tv] [i don't like the way bugs crawl] [if i were ever to become an animal in my next life, i would either be a monkey or a squirrel] [the greatest feeling in the world is when you�re at the peak of a rollercoaster and you have that queasy feeling in your stomach] [5'3-ish] [juliette binoche is amazing] [my hair hates being curled] [i have no idea what i want to be when i grow up, and i have no desire to be something normal]

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